With the help of the Heritage Lottery Fund and Historic Scotland, the project to reduce traffic on the South Shore and improve the environment is well underway.
I recently raised the matter at Full Council, following representation from local groups and owners living close to the Shore. The extensive consultation that followed and the resulting support has been very positive.
The pavement will be widened, fencing will be removed and replaced by bollards, and environmental improvements, including the planting of trees and other road safety measures will be introduced. Traffic will also be restricted to
one way, from Bernard Street, which should reduce the present congestion.
I am really pleased with the progress of the scheme, which will make such a difference to the lives of everyone living close to the Shore, and to the many traders there. A real café culture along the Shore will be a winner for everyone and will help make Leith a must-see destination.
It would be great to see this designated a completely traffic free zone, but I am happy to take one step at a time. The scheme is due to be completed by the end of March.
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