A Vision for the Waterfront

I would like to echo the words of a fellow Neighbourhood Partnership colleague when he calls for a vision for the community at the Waterfront.

With the collapse of the economy, and the lack of progress in developing Waterfront we’re left with a number of empty spaces which are, quite frankly, a blot on the landscape. I think that it’s time that we started to harness the ideas and views of the community about what to do with these spaces, something which is already being undertaken by the excellent Harbour and Newhaven Community Council.

Numerous suggestions have already been made, and I think we need to look at implementing these. In particular, I like the idea of temporary greening – installing a park or playground of some sort.

Another suggestion that I’m keen on, is the creation of allotments on the land. It’s worked in other areas of the city, and could make a real difference to the area.

I’ve also had an excellent suggestion put to me by a postgraduate student – holding a Farmers Market on the Waterfront, something which has been done in Newcastle with great success.

This really is a great opportunity for us to come together and to create a fantastic new resource for Newhaven.


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