Meeting Platinum Point Residents

Following discussions with residents, a meeting was arranged with the Convener of Planning, Councillor Jim Lowrie, myself, other local Councillors and several Council officials from planning and transport.

This was a very constructive meeting and points were raised about general issues pertinent to the whole of the Waterfront.
These included land values and the change of the Masterplan, as well as more specific issues such as the long-awaited park,
unfinished walkways, street lighting and parking.

It was good having the officials with us as they were able to answer questions directly and took away specific points to try
and resolve. Many of the issues related to the owners of the land, Forth Ports, and how the new owners may take things forward.

I think we made good progress on specific points, and I would hope we can get some practical results as far as council
input is concerned. There are, of course, high-level, ongoing discussions with Forth Ports to speed up the Lindsay
Road reclamation, and the whole Waterfront development.


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